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- Food Processing Equipment
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- Food Processing Equipment
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- Vacuum meat mixers with Z-shaped blades FMZ-2000V
Vacuum meat mixers with Z-shaped blades FMZ-2000V
Модель | |
Артикул | |
Объем месильной камеры, л. | |
Скорость вращения месильных валов, об/мин. | |
Вакуумный насос | |
Потребляемая мощность, кВт. | |
Габаритные размеры ДхШхВ, мм. | |
Масса, кг, не более | |
Параметры питающей сети |
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Short information about company
At present our company manufactures a wide range of meat processing equipment under the brand UNITY FOOD MACHINERY.
The company employs highly qualified engineering and technical staff, its own production facilities, modern metal processing equipment of world leading companies. The entire manufacturing process of our products is built on the strict adherence to the requirements of standards and use of only high quality materials and components.